You can make a difference to dogs like Barney

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I am making a one-off donation of £10*

By completing this form, you are confirming that you are 18 or over.

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When Barney arrived, we gave him a little time, reassurance, and love to help him feel safe. Your gift ensures more dogs like Barney get the care they deserve. Will you help make a difference today?

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In Memory Of A Pet

Please give us some more information about the pet you’re donating in memory of.

In Memory Of Someone

Please give us some more information about the person you’re donating in memory of.

In Celebration

Please tell us some more information about your in celebration donation.

E.g. 'Steven Smith' or 'Claire and Will Jones'

If you are looking to make a payment from a Will, please do not make the payment via the website, but instead contact our Legacy Administration Team on 020 7501 7988 or email who will be able to assist you.

Donation type



We are only able to accept Gift Aid on personal donations.

Your donation is not eligible for Gift Aid if you received anything in return for it, raised it from your own fundraising, or is a gift in a Will.

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Boost your donation by 25% for every £1 you donate.

Your correct address is needed to identify you as a UK taxpayer. To Gift Aid your donations, please tick the box below to confirm that you are a UK taxpayer:

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