Complete My Cat Cabin Sponsorship

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Make this a monthly donation

Donate £60

£60 would give every cat staying in your Cabin this year a second chance at happiness.

By completing this form, you are confirming that you are 18 or over.

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Thank you for your generosity, it really will make a life-changing difference to the cats at Battersea. *Battersea treats all monies as unrestricted and will spend these where the need is greatest.

My donation is

In Memory of a Pet

Please give us some more information about the pet you’re donating in memory of.

In Memory of Someone

Please give us some more information about the person you’re donating in memory of.

In Celebration

Please tell us some more information about your in celebration donation.

E.g. 'Steven Smith' or 'Claire and Will Jones'

This sponsorship

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